Al Larsen, director of the Creative Media program in the Division of Communication and Creative Media, is working to bring Weather Warlock, a live music event, to Champlain College as part of Feverish World, a 3-day symposium and art event taking place at UVM and various locations downtown.
Weather Warlock will be performing on the patio adjacent to the Champlain Room, Sunday, Oct 21 from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Weather Warlock is a project of the artist, Quintron, an internationally known touring musician and inventor from New Orleans. Weather Warlock uses an analog audio synthesizer that responds to various environmental inputs with which the musicians improvise in performances that begin at sundown.
Background about the project: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/may/14/quintron-weather–warlock-healing-power-music and http://turfclub.net/show/2018-05-weather-warlock/.
Larsen is on the program committee for Feverish World, that will explore bridging the academic and cultural divide between the arts, humanities, and science in the face of the climate-destabilized world of our likely future. There will be panels and roundtables, talks and presentations by invited speakers, art and performances by local and invited artists, and open forums including a “Tent City Commons” at the University of Vermont campus and at other area locations.
Invited speakers include anthropologist and philosopher of science Bruno Latour, visual artist Torkwase Dyson, artist/engineer Natalie Jeremijenko, musician and eco-philosopher David Rothenberg, eco-art theorist and educator Linda Weintraub, and others. Most of the symposium will be free and open to the public.